“Family Love: A vocation and a path to Holiness”
The World Meeting of Families
The 10th World Meeting of Families (WMOF)—organised by Vatican Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life along with the Diocese of Rome—was held from 22-26 June, 2022.
The WMOF is intended to highlight family love as a vocation and as a way of holiness, to understand and share the profound and salvific meaning of family relationships in daily life. After being postponed for a year due to the pandemic, Pope Francis asked dioceses around the world to make it possible for every family to participate in the 2022 WMOF. While Rome was the main venue for the event, dioceses around the world hosted local events for their own families and communities based on the theme: “Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness.”
The WMOF is a great opportunity for Catholics on the local level to renew their commitment to family ministry in solidarity with diocesan communities from around the world and the Diocese of Rome.
In preparation for the WMOF, the Life, Marriage and Family Network produced a number of videos for adults, youth and young adults, and children, based on the catechesis themes for the 2022 event. You can watch the videos at Evangelise Plus.